Launch of the EU project "EPHYRA"

The official kick-off meeting of the project “EPHYRA”, regarding the construction and operation of an innovative renewable hydrogen production facility, was held on 21 and 22 September 2023 in Athens and Corinth. Funded by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership, the project is coordinated by Motor Oil, with the participation of 9 partners from 7 countries (Italy, France, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Greece). The project’s duration is 5 years.

EPHYRA is a highly innovative and pioneering project as it will demonstrate an innovative hydrogen production facility (30 MW) at industrial scale, from renewable energy sources, by employing improved electrolysis technology. The large-scale electrolysis will be integrated with industrial operations within Motor Oil’s Corinth refinery in Aghioi Theodoroi, one of the leading refineries in Europe and the largest privately-owned industrial complex in Greece. It will supply renewable hydrogen to refinery’s processes at the refinery and other industrial units in the region, while part of the production will be directed towards the production of zero-emission fuels.

The industrially integrated renewable hydrogen production will be developed around the principles of sustainable development and circular economy, as the electrolyser will be coupled with (i) renewable electricity production, (ii) an innovative waste heat harvesting technology, (iii) water use environmental optimisation, (iv) valorisation of produced oxygen in current MOH Refinery operations, (v) a digital twin and (vi) a dedicated energy management system.

EPHYRA is expected to effectively contribute in achieving the targets for electrolysis technologies, as they are set out in the Clean Hydrogen Partnership’s Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda. At the same time, it will boost the production of renewable hydrogen at the lowest possible cost, thus promoting the EU’s renewable hydrogen economy, industrial decarbonisation and the adoption of zero-emission fuels. EPHYRA will be implemented by a strong consortium with robust research, innovation and industrial capabilities, ensuring the success of the project.

The project partners are Motor Oil Hellas (MOH) – Coordinator, the Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH-EKETA), The German Aerospace Center (DLR), ENERTIME (France), the Aragon Institute of Technology (ITAINNOVA), the STICHTING New Energy Coalition (NEC), Soluforce (Netherlands), RINA Consulting (Italy), Envirometrics (Greece) and Siemens Process Systems Engineering as an associated partner (United Kingdom).

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